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Sunday, July 6, 2008

Handbook of IPv4 to IPv6 Transition December 2007 eBook

Handbook of IPv4 to IPv6Transition: Methodologies for Institutional and Corporate Networks (c) by AUERBACH

The type of the release is: eBook
In the PDF format with ISBN: 0849385164 and Pub Date: December 06, 2007
The size of the release is: 02 disks x 2.88mb
And released on: 01/05/2008

In 2005, the U.S. Government Accountability Office recommended that allagencies begin planning a coherent transition to IPv6. IPv6 will solve the problem of limited IP addresses and improve internetworking capabilities. This promising protocol is gaining momentum and it is only a matter of time before the transition will have to occur globally. The problem is that during the three-to-six year transition period, IPv6 and its predecessor, IPv4, will have to successfully coexist in order to ensure service continuity. Not only federal agencies, but corporations and institutions must start planning the transition to IPv6 now to maintain the operation, security, and interoperability of their networks. The implementation of IPv6 is essential to the continued growth of the internet and the development of new applications. The Handbook of IPv4 to IPv6 Transition Methodologies provides a wealth of best practices and procedures that will help corporations plan and implement a smooth transition to IPv6.


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