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Sunday, July 6, 2008

Digital CCTV A Security Professionals Guide August 2007 eBook

Digital CCTV: A Security Professional's Guide (c) by Butterworth-Heinemann

The type of the release is: eBook
In the PDF format with ISBN: 0750677457 and Pub Date: August 03, 2007
The size of the release is: 02 disks x 2.88mb
And released on: 12/19/2007

The effects of digital technology on the security industry require constant vigilance by security distributors, sales staff, and installation professionals. Today and for the foreseeable future, all security professionals must have at least a basic understanding of digital technology. Digital CCTV addresses this new challenge. Topics convered include compression variables such as Lossless and Lossy, which are explained by reviewing Huffman and Run Length Encoding (RLE), and by relating these forms of compression to ZIP and Stuffit, which are commonly used in personal computers. A review of JPEG, motion JPEG, MPEG and wavelet compression schemes among others, with a comparison of the merits of each, is also provided. As Digital CCTV traces the stream of digital video flow from the computer industry through compression, transmission, display and storage, and explains how analog video signal is converted into a digital signal, the reader will learn and understand the mysteries of digital science.
  • Explains industry concepts, acronyms and buzzwords acurately and clearly
  • Covers history, current complexities, and the future effects of digital science
  • Provides practical information about how digital video works, how digital video is stored and transmitted, what digital systems can and cannot accomplish, and what to expect from digital video equipment in modern CCTV systems

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